Recently in taste Category

People can't tell the difference between cheap and expensive wine, says psychologist Richard Wiseman after conducting a survey of 578 drinkers at the Edinburgh International Science Festival,


What does this tell us about Sensation & Perception?

Salty, sweet: study says fat is the sixth "taste"

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"Researchers at Deakin University, working with colleagues at the University of Adelaide among others, found that fat was the sixth taste people can identify in addition to the five others -- sweet, sour, salty, bitter and protein-rich."

Roger Has a New Voice (Video)


Cancer surgery has left Roger Ebert without the ability to speak or eat food. This video talks about how Rogers has dreams of talking and eating. Towards the end, the video discusses how researchers are reconstructing a computerized voice for Roger based on archived recordings of his actual voice.



Amazing Hot Sauce Recipes (PHOTOS)


What do we know about the physics of hot sauce? What makes it hot? Why do people eat it? How does it interact with the tounge? This site doesn't answer these questions , however itis a good starting point. In fact you might try one of the recipes and do a bit of introspection of your own...

Sensory Science - Snacks and Overeating - Audio


Snacks, Overeating, and Sensory Science

Got a weakness for chocolate chip cookies? Kettle chips? Pizza? Ira talks with former FDA commissioner David Kessler about how tasty foods change your brain, and how the food industry designs the fat, salt, and sugar-laden snacks you crave. Kessler, the former head of the FDA during the Bush and Clinton administrations, is the author of the new book "The End of Overeating: Taking Control of the Insatiable American Appetite." Is overeating a lack of willpower, or a disease?

(there is a little slide bar on the upper left that you need to click on)


Food Smells


Grant Achatz, of Chicago's famed Alinea restaurant, shares some secrets of awaking the emotions with his holiday cooking.

Discuss how they incorporate smells to enhance the diner's expereience

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