Recently in Evolution Category

Where does good come from?

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What Wilson is trying to do, late in his influential career, is nothing less than overturn a central plank of established evolutionary theory: the origins of altruism. His position is provoking ferocious criticism from other scientists. Last month, the leading scientific journal Nature published five strongly worded letters saying, more or less, that Wilson has misunderstood the theory of evolution and generally doesn't know what he's talking about. One of these carried the signatures of an eye-popping 137 scientists, including two of Wilson's colleagues at Harvard.

(Thanks to Osman for sending)

A Mother's Grief

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Chimpanzees appear to mourn their dead infants just like humans, scientists have discovered.

Chimpanzee mothers establish close physical relationships with their young, carrying them for up to two years and nursing them until they are six.

But now scientists have filmed how one chimpanzee

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Why is it suprizing that apes have human like experiences?
What does this tell us about the continuum of 'man' and 'beast' ?

(Thanks to Allison)

"A gorilla has achieved fame for walking upright on his hind legs like a human at a British animal park.

Ambam, a Western lowland gorilla, was filmed strolling about his enclosure by animal researcher Johanna Watson."

How does this relate to explanationsof how man began to stand?
How does this relate to the concept of the chain of being?
How does this relate to comparative psychology?

The Birth of an Island

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How does this tie into Darwin's ideas of evolution?

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