September 2012 Archives

Week #5 Movie Activity (Due Friday)

Please go to the following like to view the documentary on the Scopes Monkey Trial. It is an 8 part series and you are asked to watch all 8.

When you are though please answer 5 of the following questions in some depth:

1.    What was the Scopes Monkey Trial about?

2.    What were the key issues?

3.    Where was the court case held?  When?

4.    What brought about the trial?

5.    What did the Butler Act state?

6.    Why did some citizens in this town want the trial to take place in their town?

7.    Who were the three key players in the trial?

8.    What role did John Scopes take?  Did he really do what he was accused of doing?

9.    The two attorneys had differing ideas about what exactly was on trial, what did each attorney think was on trial?

10. At the beginning of the case, the crowd sided with which attorney?

11.Tell some about the witnesses each side had.

12.How did Darrow lessen the integrity of Bryan?

13.Was Scopes found guilty?  If so, what was the punishment?

14.Who was the most well-known reporter to cover this story?

15.What, ultimately, happened to the law that was challenged?

Next go back to chapter 1 and review the concepts of Presentism and Historicism. Then discuss what you now about the Scopes trial from either a presentist or historicist perspective.