November 2011 Archives

Topical Blog Week #14 (due Thursday)

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Topics in the News?

What I would like you to do is to start applying what we are learning in class to real world matters. Some might ask, "What good is learning psychology if we can't apply it to real world matters?" "Are we learning from the past or are we simply repeating our mistakes?" So that is what we are going to do with this week's topical blog assignment.

What I would like you to do is to either go to NPR ( ), the BBC ( ) there are some good news source links at the bottom of the following page ( listed in their news sources) and read, watch, or listen to something that is interesting to you and relates to what we have been learning about the history of psychology.

When you are done, copy and paste the URL at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.

Let me know if you have any questions.

--Dr. M

Reading Activity Week #14 (due Tuesday)

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There is no reading assignment for week #14.

However, for week #15 you will have the choice of reading the cognitive chapter or the women and minorities chapter (so if you already have read something for this week don't worry).

Topical Blog Week #13 (due Thursday)

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What I would like you to do is to find a PERSON or TOPIC from chapter 12 that you are interested in and search the internet for material on that PERSON or TOPIC. Please use 3 or more quality resources.If you did a Person: Once you have completed your search and explorations, a) I would like you to say WHO your PERSON is, b) how exactly HE OR SHE fits into the chapter, and c) why you are interested in THIS PERSON. Next, I would like you to take the information you read or viewed related to your PERSON, integrate/synthesize it, and then write about it. At the end of your post, please include working URLs for the three websites. If you want you can use one of your sources from something other than the internet.

If you did a Topic: Once you have completed your search and explorations, a) I would like you to say WHAT your TOPIC is, b) how exactly the TOPIC fits into the chapter, and c) why you are interested in THIS TOPIC. Next, I would like you to take the information you read or viewed related to your TOPIC, integrate/synthesize it, and then write about it. At the end of your post, please include working URLs for the three websites. Keep in mind that it will be easier if you keep it to one topic.

Additional instructions: For each resource you have listed. Indicate why you chose it and the extent to which it contributed to your post.

Reading Activity Week #13 (due Tuesday)

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Please read chapter 12. After reading the chapter, please respond to the following questions:

What were three (3) things from the chapter that you found interesting? Why were they interesting to you? What one (1) thing did you find the least interesting? Why? Which of the applied psychologists did you find the most interesting? What did you read in the chapter that you think will be most useful to in understanding the history of psychology?
Think of a topic from an earlier chapter. How does the current chapter relate to the topic from the earlier chapter we have already read?
What PERSON from the chapter would you like to learn more about? Why?

Topical Blog Week #12 (due Thursday)

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What I would like you to do is to find a PERSON or TOPIC from chapter 11 that you are interested in and search the internet for material on that PERSON or TOPIC. Please use 3 or more quality resources.If you did a Person: Once you have completed your search and explorations, a) I would like you to say WHO your PERSON is, b) how exactly HE OR SHE fits into the chapter, and c) why you are interested in THIS PERSON. Next, I would like you to take the information you read or viewed related to your PERSON, integrate/synthesize it, and then write about it. At the end of your post, please include working URLs for the three websites. Keep in mind that it will be easier if you keep it to one topic.

If you did a Topic: Once you have completed your search and explorations, a) I would like you to say WHAT your TOPIC is, b) how exactly the TOPIC fits into the chapter, and c) why you are interested in THIS TOPIC. Next, I would like you to take the information you read or viewed related to your TOPIC, integrate/synthesize it, and then write about it. At the end of your post, please include working URLs for the three websites. Keep in mind that it will be easier if you keep it to one topic.

Additional instructions: For each url.(internet resource) you have listed. Indicate why you chose it and the extent to which it contributed to your post.

Reading Activity Week #12 (due Tuesday)

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Please read chapter 11. After reading the chapter, please respond to the following questions:

What were three (3) things from the chapter that you found interesting? Why were they interesting to you? What one (1) thing did you find the least interesting? Why? Which of the applied psychologists did you find the most interesting? What did you read in the chapter that you think will be most useful to in understanding the history of psychology?
Think of a topic from an earlier chapter. How does the current chapter relate to the topic from the earlier chapter we have already read?
What PERSON from the chapter would you like to learn more about? Why?