Importance of Extrinsic Motivation at the Work Place

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In chapter 5 we have been talking about intrinsic and extrinsic motivations. This article shows the importance of these in the workplace. The article mentions that having employees who are intrinsically motivated will be better for the company in the long run because they will be more apt to work and find more joy in their work. This article does a good job of explaining what motivation is and why it is important to have in the workplace.

The article mentions three main ways to extrinsically motivate employees. The first way is with a promise of some sort of reward. I think this is definitely a motivation. In a past job I had, we were promised a "bonus" if we got so many products out by the end of the day and it motivated the team to work harder. The second way mentioned was by offering the opportunity for growth. For someone who is very ambitious and wants to move up in the company this is a great motivator. The third way that they mentioned was giving the employee recognition. I have always been motivated when given recognition for good work that I have done.

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I found this article to be very interesting, and consistent with what we've been learning in this class as well as my organizational psychology class. Although every workplace has established extrinsic rewards (the most important reason to work is for a source of income), additional rewards can improve the workplace and employee motivation. Workers are highly motivated to perform well when there is possibility for individual recognition or evaluation. Recognition or evaluation is an effective form of extrinsic motivation and feedback that can also inspire the beginnings of intrinsic motivation in a worker.

Intrinsic motivation is the more valuable of the two types of motivation because it can be sustained longer and is generally a stronger form of motivation. Feedback on job performance in the form of recognition or evaluation helps a worker begin to internalize the desire to perform well and gives him or her pride in job performance.

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