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Book Report Guidelines

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You are required to write a book report for this course. The book report is worth 100 points.  The report should be 2000 words long, typed, and in APA style (1 inch margins, double spaced, citations where appropriate, cover page, reference page).  You will be submitting your book report to where I will verify that your work has not been plagiarized. You will also turn in an identical hard copy to me on the day that it is due.

Here are some guidelines for your book report.

Buy your book early. Don't wait to find out that it will take 10 days to get to you through the mail.

Read your book.

Your next step will be to organize what you are going to say about it in your report. Writing the basic elements down in an outline format can help you to organize your thoughts. Your report should focus on the psychological factors related to the legal system. Don't just try to write this off the top of your head, but rather, from your focused effort in applying the principles from your readings and lecture to the book you read. You should only very briefly summarize your book (e.g., less than one page). The remainder of your paper should be focused on the relevant psychological factors inherent in the story or content of your chosen book. Questions? See me.

The Final Paper

1. Spell check your paper.

2. Have a friend read and review your paper.

3. Read your paper out loud.

4. Make any changes that your friend and you have pointed out.

5. Spell check again.


10pts for APA style cover page

10pts for APA style reference page

10pts for APA style throughout the paper

10pts for appropriate length of paper

25pts for accurate and effective presentation of psychological principles/concepts

25pts for writing style

10pts for spelling/grammar


Building a Portfolio

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A portfolio documents work products and the effort engaged in doing that work.

A portfolio can take many forms (hard copy or digital). A hard copy portfolio will be in a binder with a table of contents and tabs. A digital portfolio is a website or blog.

A portfolio should impress and persuade.

A portfolio should showcase your skills and knowledge.

A portfolio can show growth and development (in other words it makes sense, and is okay, if work done later in the semester is 'better' than work done earlier in the semester). However, in our class where you get to choose what goes into your portfolio, it of course makes sense to choose your best work.

A portfolio is purposeful and organized.

You must include in your portfolio the required elements: 15 blog comments, 15 blog posts, your book report, and 13 projects.  You may also want to include a section that has other blog posts and comments that you did (beyond the 15 required, each). You may include *anything* that you believe displays your effort, skills, and knowledge in the course.


Have you ever wanted to be the detective behind it all? You want to be that person to solve the crime and at the end feel good about! If so, this website will tell and describe to you how to properly solve any kind of crime whether it be a murder, rape, or an assault of any kind! This lengthy Truro Police Department manual takes you step by step on the whole process: dealing with suspects, determining the crime, follow up investigations, and more! 
This gives you the guidelines to do a preliminary criminal investigation. This would also be the first responding officer as we have learned in class. It is to identify if the criminal is still around and armed, enter safely, locate victims and more. These procedures give a little more detail than what we learned in class.
The investigation procedure is more of what we talked about. That is to record and document everything. The time of arrival, weather conditions, reports of what victims say as well as witnesses and everything else. This also gives more detail. It also goes into detail on follow up investigations.
This manual is very effective and gives accurate procedures. They help you know how to deal with homicide and suicide cases.

Evaluating Lineup Bias: How-To

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Roy Malpass has put together a very useful site on how to evaluate the fairness of a lineup that you or someone else has created.  Description of how to conduct the evaluation, the statistical spreadsheet necessary to analyze the data, discussion and references.
