Suspect Identification Chart

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Monroe County Sheriff's Office in the Florida Keys has a big population with few Sheriff's to cover all of the people. On their web page it states, "the Sheriff's Office employs 578 people187 of those are road patrol officers and detectives, 144 are Corrections Officers, 182 serve as support 65 people are employed by the Sheriff's Office-managed HIDTA Group (High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area)."  They have this many people for as many as 150,000 people in their population and that does not count the tourists that can reach as many as 2,000,000 people.  With so many people in their population, and a high turn-over rate the department needs something to help catch suspects.

To help identify a suspect of a crime, the Monroe County Sheriff's Office has a document that allows the witness to fill in details of the perpetrator they saw. The document has the witness fill out the physical appearance of the suspect (with a drawing of a blank suspect to the right), the clothing they were wearing, what weapon was used and there is a drawing of weapons at the bottom of the drawing of the person, and anything about the vehicle used in the crime (if one was used).  It is a very detailed outline asking anything from the scar marks, speech, or physical defects of the perpetrator,  to the license plate number of the vehicle used. 

I believe this would really help local law enforcement agencies around Iowa to catch the correct people, instead of mistakenly persecuting innocent people.  This document can come in very handy if someone gets victimized and needs to write down anything they can remember of the perpetrator, the weapon, or the vehicle used in the crime.  I believe having this handy will allow anyone to keep their memory less contaminated if they write all of these facts down right away before talking to anyone.

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