"Israeli Cult Leader Charged With Enslavement and Rape"

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"Jerusalem (CNN) -- An Israeli man accused of having 23 wives and fathering 59 children was charged Sunday in a Tel Aviv court with multiple counts of sexual assault, rape, sodomy and enslavement..."

Goel Ratzon was arrested last month on the above mentioned charges against some of his numerous daughters. He convinced these women that he was "omnipotent" and that he could perform miraculous acts.

"...He persuaded the women that he had the power to heal and curse, through which he gained "complete control of their lives, desires, thoughts, emotions and actions," the court papers say...."

 They served him, and used their own finances to pay for everything he wanted and needed. The wives and children all lived in a compound together, obeying him in every way.

The Israeli government had known about his cult for about a decade, but it wasn't until about 6 months ago that they convinced one of the women to press charges.

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1 Comment

I find this case pretty fascinating, and not in the good way. I think, to most Americans, that it seems crazy when we hear about places that allow for polygamy but this case is way out of the ordinary. 59 children?! That's insane! Although a little off topic, this reminds me of some things I've learned in my human origins class about how certain things have remained adaptive in our species. Because the male species' instinct is to pass on their genes to as many women as they can, having 59 children is doing that exact thing. It's our culture that forbids that. Anyway, I'm glad that the Israeli government finally convinced that woman to press charges because no man should ever get away with sexual assault, rape, sodomy, or enslavement, especially of his own daughters.

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