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Attend this session and reflect on it as a comment to this post. Relate to psychology of violence. 10pts.

Joyce Benner will speak at 7 p.m., Tuesday, April 19, in the Ballroom, MAU. This event is sponsored by the Student Organization Speakers Fund and is hosted by the student organization UNI Right to Life.

So how does self-defense fit into our understanding of the psychology of violence? What factors is this course (see below) in particular, focused on? You can reflect on these issues and post as a comment for 5 extra credit points. You can attend the session and reflect, for 15 extra credit points.

A self-defense seminar will be offered from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., Monday, April 18, in Old Central Ballroom, MAU. Men and women are welcome to the first hour of this seminar, which will focus on safety and education, targeted toward college-age individuals. The second hour is for women only and will focus on learning self-defense skills. This event is free and refreshments will be provided. Wear comfy clothes and shoes. For more information, contact Anti-Violence Advocates at or Staci Chananie-Hill at

If you attended the screening of Conviction, you will receive 5 pts (and i have your name on the sign up sheet).

if you choose additionally to write about the movie from the perspective of psychology of violence, you may do so as a comment to this post. this is also worth 5 pts.

if you want to watch it on dvd and write about it, you will get the 5pts for writing about it.



Topical Blog 4/28 10pm

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People's Choice

Choose something related to CH 21 and/or this week's topic of terrorism, reflect, and write about it. Provide links as appropriate.


Topical Blog 4/21 10pm

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Review these sites:

How does violence grow or accelerate to such a large scale? Does our scientific understanding of self, and dyadic/familial violence have any relation to large scale violence? How? Why or why not? Are there characteristics of this kind of ethno-political violence that are special or different from the other types of violence that we have covered? Explain your answer.

Next, choose one of the documented cases of genocide (a list is available in the second link above). Learn more about that situationa and report on it here.

Topical Blog 4/14 10pm

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Review the FBI's website on organized crime. Follow links as appropriate.

Review and reflect as usual. Then, consider the following and respond:

Violence is big business. How do the economics of violence encourage and promote it continuuing?


Topical Blog 4/7 10pm

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Review the information available here

make sure to go beyond that page as there are several links to follow.

First, why would this information be on the Center for Disease Control and Prevention's website?! How does this topic relate to their mission?

Generally review and reflect on the site as you have for previous assignments. In addition, address the following questions: Who do you think should be the target of prevention strategies? Why? Knowing what you know about violence from a theoretical and scientific perspective, what recommendations would you give to a local school that was concerned about preventing school violence?

Topical Blog 3/31 10pm

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2010 - The Year in Hate and Extremism

Go to the Southern Poverty Law Center's website

Spend at least 30 minutes browsing and reading the site.

What did you learn about the Center and about hate crime? What most surprised you? What theoretical perspectives that we have covered so far best relate to the site or information presented? Why?


Topical Blog - 3/24 10pm

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Please reflect on the episode Race War from the Gangland series that we watched on tuesday (available streamed on netflix; Gangland season 1).

In your reflection make sure to incorporate information from Ch 17, your expert topic if appropriate, the general aggression model, and if/how/why this type of intergroup violence is different from self or dyadic violence.

Reading Blog 4/26 10pm

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ch 21