

This course seeks to provide students with a broad knowledge base about psychological perspectives on violence in its various forms: its causes, consequences, and prevention strategies.  The course will focus on multiple levels of analysis to examine violence including large group phenomena such as regional and international conflict, as well as individual and interpersonal processes. The course exposes students to scientific literature as well as real-world case studies, both historical and current. Pedagogical techniques that promote introspection, engagement, and critical analysis are incorporated.


Recent Entries

Extra Credit Opportunity--The Joyce Benner Story
Attend this session and reflect on it as a comment to this post. Relate to psychology of violence. 10pts.…
Extra Credit Opportunity--Self Defense
So how does self-defense fit into our understanding of the psychology of violence? What factors is this course (see…
Conviction Screening Extra Credit
If you attended the screening of Conviction, you will receive 5 pts (and i have your name on the sign…