June 2011 Archives

Curiosity--The Discovery Channel


In May 2010, the Discovery Channel came to UNI to interview Kim & Otto MacLin, as well as to shoot footage for an episode on memory for a new series called "Curiosity."

"Curiosity: The Questions of Life" is a 60-episode, five year series that aims to answer vital questions of human existence. Beginning in August 2011, a new one-hour episode of "Curiosity" will be shown each month. A recent article in The New York Times states, The channel calls "Curiosity" a landmark series, drawing comparisons to "Planet Earth," the 11-part environmental overview that received wide acclaim when it was shown in the United States in 2007." http://dsc.discovery.com/tv/curiosity/

Short blurb in CSBS Kudos http://www.uni.edu/csbs/sites/default/files/Kudos_Oct10.pdf

Mock Crime/Trial Materials


I often get requests on how to plan, organize, and conduct a mock crime and mock trial for Psychology & Law classes.

Here are some sources to get you started:

MacLin, M. K. (Winter, 2006). Implementing a mock crime, investigation and trial into your psychology and law course. AP-LS Teaching Techniques. American Psychology-Law Society. Available: http://www.ap-ls.org/publications/newsletters/aplsnews.win2006.pdf

MacLin, M. K., Tapscott, R., Peterson, D., & MacLin, O. H. (May, 2008). Using CSI to teach science to middle school students. Poster presented at the Teaching Institute of the Association for Psychological Science, Chicago, IL. Link

A link to my Psychology & Law class website: http://www.psychologicalscience.com/psylaw/

A link to project and role information: http://www.psychologicalscience.com/psylaw/2010/08/mock-crimemock-trial-project-information.html