Recently in Token Economy Category

Topical Blog Week #15 (due Thursday)

Token economy.

Please find an example of a token economy on the internet. Briefly discuss/summarize the token economy you read about and discuss in depth the site based on the readings from this week and from what he have learned so far in class.

List the url.

Please be sure to use as many behavioral terms as you can.

Let me know if you have any questions,

--Dr. M

Reading Activity Week #13 (due Tuesday)

Token Economies.
Please read the following website and read about the steps involved in setting up a token economy using the LRBI Checklist:

Please respond to the following questions? What is a token economy? Do you think they are useful? Why? What situations do you feel they would be most effective? What situations do you feel they would be least effective? Why? Can you think of any token economies that you are currently under?

Poyner Purple Paw Tokens

On page two of this newsletter the on TRRC program is explained. What is this program? How did it come about? What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit? What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit? Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment? Is it positive or negative? What are the tokens used in this program? What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens? What is the delivery system? What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system? How are the tokens banked? What are the pro's and con's? What are the back up reinforcers? How were the backup reinforcers chosen? Are they effective reinforcers? How do the students gain access to the reinforcers? What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective? How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system? How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system? How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system? Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system? What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here? What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system? What additional information might you want to know about the system?