Racism Goes Wrong

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If you look up "Epic Beard Man" and sign into youtube you can watch this video with what they are saying alongside it. This fight seemed to spring from a missunderstanding. The black man was upset and pushed the old guy too far, causing the fight. There are many race-related fights happen in our country, but many probably going underreported. It is interesting to see how the black man carries himself in the beginning, and then how he acts after his pride has been trashed. Do you think this man was just trying to uphold a stereotype based on this fact? Do you think the man was justified for beating him up? What about why the fight started, do you think this was totally just based on racism or was something else involved?

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Watching this seen looks like the older gentlemen is being bias towards the African American male, with that in mind it is taken out of contents. I watched the other video where the older male explains what went on. The facts support the older gentlemen(s)story. This is not the first time, that I have seen an incident, like this one, it is usually the other way around. Where a young person tries to intimidate an elderly person but in this case, this is a problem that everyone faces today, because there is a lack of respect for the elderly by the younger generation.
I am not condoning violence or say it is okay to fight, but the older man has a right to protect himself. The thing that is upsetting is you hear people in the back ground encouraging the younger man to punk the older man. the older mans get hit and out of reaction the older man protects himself which i feel is a just cause. he tries to keep his cool by walking away.

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