Prejudice Unveiled! France moves to ban Muslim tradition...

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A parliamentary panel that wants Muslim women to stop veiling their faces recommended Tuesday that France ban such garb in public facilities, including hospitals and mass transit, and a leading panel member said he foresees such an interdiction by the end of 2010.

And you thought your neighbor was upset when he found out the courthouse downtown WASN'T going to put up a Nativity scene this Christmas?  Try this on for size:  You know that tradition your people have had for centuries that is simply a choice of clothing?  Yeah, you're going to have to stop that now. 
     While the article linked above explains that the purported motive behind this move to ban the face coverings is driven by issues of gender equality, what happens when cultural traditions are jeopardized by those claiming to be "helping" ?  Tell you what, if they try to take away my "Noah's Ark" T-shirt and my gold cross necklace, I'm gonna lose it!

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