Accounts of Racism and Discrimanation

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Another powerful scene from the great debaters, watch and see what do you feel? What emotions are triggered?

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I haven't seen this movie because I thought it looked like "Remember the Titans" and a super sappy movie rolled into one. Looks like I could be wrong. I think it's all to easy to get caught up in the flow of the media and let powerful messages lose their momentum. A good story like the one from this movie can all too easily be swept under the rug.
Watching this final scene (thanks for the spoiler alert, Alex, you ruined the ending! JK) gave me some what of a "take that, stuck up white guy!" feeling. Not knowing much about the film, I'm not sure if this is something I should be feeling or not, but it does remind me of the power of film. At the very least, I want to rent this movie some time!

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